Mid-South Coliseum Collection

Photo of Coliseum Files

About the Collection

In April 2019, Memphis Public Libraries ventured into the abandoned Mid-South Coliseum to determine if there was anything worth preserving. At this time, physical material is not available to the public. However, due to community interest, we are streamlining the digitization process and releasing highlights as part of this online exhibit. Learn more.

Browse Collection

Photo of tickets from Mid-South Coliseum

Volume I:  The Concert Files

The Mid-South Coliseum played host to many concerts at a time when Rock n’ Roll and R&B were evolving into a major industry.  This was a time of regional concert promoters, affordable tickets, and prolific touring of major acts.  There was nothing like it before or after. Visit our Concert Files to browse a spreadsheet of concerts, listen to playlists based on the most popular shows from each year, and learn about other stories related to ticket buying and concert promotions. Learn more.

Photo of interior of Coliseum

Share Your Stories

Throughout our experience, everyone we have talked to about the Coliseum seems to have a story. Whether it is about a concert, a wrestling match, basketball game, graduation, or other event, let us know your story about the Mid-South Coliseum. Share your story.

Photo of a corridor in the Mid-South Coliseum

Further Readings

What we found in the Coliseum on our excavations tells only part of the story. Visit our list of other resources to learn even more about the Coliseum. Learn more.

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