The Orange Mound Library is teaming up with the The Withers Collection Museum & Gallery to help identify people in historic Orange Mound photos. Use the information below to learn how YOU can be a Withers Detective.
Withers Detectives How To

1) Navigate to the Withers Digital Archive
- Search the Withers Digital Archive.
- Browse images (Hint: In most browsers you can press “ctrl” and the “+” key at the same time to zoom in. Press “ctrl” and the “-” key to zoom out.)
- If you recognize someone in the image, continue to Step 2!

2) Navigate to the Info Form
- Access the Withers Info Form.
- Please fill out your contact info, it will help us verify your detective work!
- In “Photo 1 ID” enter the filename (found below the image you recognize (see right)).
- Enter your information in the “Photo 1 Info”.
- The “Additional Contacts” box is for you to enter others who might be able to verify the information you provide. Connecting with other knowledgeable community members is very helpful!

3) Repeat
- The form can be filled with info for 5 photos
- Don’t have 5? That’s fine! Submit what you have.
- Have more than 5? Great! Submit the form, then come back here and fill it out again!
- Have other questions/comments? Reach out to
- Want to see more Withers photos? Come visit our museum at 333 Beale St.