Books and More

search the catalog
We have over 1,000,000 titles in our catalog. Start searching for your next read today! You can place holds on titles and request to pick them up at any of our locations.
Here is more information on requesting and checking out material:
- Check Out Fees and Loan Periods
- Children’s Book Bundles
- Limiting Search Results
- My Lists
- Overdue/Hold Notifications
- PIN Information
- Placing Holds
- Renew Items
can’t find what you’re looking for?
- Inter-Library Loan Request: Submit an Inter-Library Loan Request and we’ll see if we can borrow it from another library system.
- Suggestion for the Collection: Submit a Suggestion for the Collection and we’ll see about purchasing the title.

available soon titles
Find out how to get in line first for upcoming popular titles! Place holds on upcoming “Available Soon” titles. These titles may not have been released yet, but you can save your place in line by placing them on hold. You will be notified when the title has arrived at your pickup location.
Visit our Available Soon page for more information.

new books
Certain popular books are set aside in the “New Books” section. Find all the hot titles, place a hold and pick them up at your nearest library.
Browse our New Books in the Catalog.

(Emailed Suggestions)
Select what you like to read and we’ll send a monthly email with suggestions. We have lists for various genres, age groups, or best-seller lists
Visit our Recommends Signup page.

memphis reads
(Staff Reviews)
Library staff members contribute reviews, essays, and news items about titles in the Library’s collection and raise ideas, questions, and concerns for discussion.
Visit our Memphis Reads blog.

reading lists
Not sure what to read next. Browse these lists of best-sellers, award winners, and titles just added to our catalog. You can check our catalog straight from these lists or browse similar titles.
Visit our Reading Lists page.

book sizzle e-newsletter
Have suggestions sent directly to you each week. Book Sizzle is a weekly newsletter for anyone who loves to read. This includes links to new titles added to our collection as well as links to weekly best-sellers and more.
Visit our most recent Book Sizzle e-newsletter.
Sign up to receive these weekly emails:

books and authors (gale literature)
Books and Authors answers the age-old question, “What do I read next?” Search and match reading interests to books, authors, genres, or topics.

bookstock annual book festival
Each April we host the Bookstock Book Festival for all ages with various events throughout the day including author talks, local author meet and greets, music, food, and more.
Visit our Bookstock page.

Visit our eCollection for details on the various ways to access eBooks, eAudio, and eMagazines.
Visit our eCollection page for more information.

library book clubs
Find all the information you need about starting and sustaining your own book club as well as a directory of book clubs that meet at the Library.
Visit our Library Book Clubs page for more information.

books in a bag (adults and teens)
Books in a Bag is Memphis Public Library’s value-added service for our book club patrons! The program is a one stop shop for all of your book club reading and discussion needs. Each bag also includes: 10 copies of one title; Booklet with background materials; Author biography; Discussion questions; Advice on how to start and sustain a book club.
Visit our Books in a Bag page for more information.

wypl book readings
Listen to books being read on the air by volunteers at FM 89.3 WYPL (STREAMING HERE):
- WYPL FM 89.3 Weekly Schedule
- WYPL Books & More blog provides information on which books will be read on the air.

book talk author interviews
Listen to author interviews at FM 89.3 WYPL (STREAMING HERE). Podcasts of interviews are available HERE.
Visit the Book Talk podcast page or listen to recent interviews here:
Visit or call the Library or submit a question online.