About This Collection
A collection of historically significant images acquired from the Pink Palace Museum in 1976, the Pink Palace Collection features a wide variety of wonderful photographs. From the construction of the Harahan Bridge to portraits of Native Americans, there is a little bit of everything.
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We owe our deepest gratitude to volunteer Becky Muska, who worked so diligently to digitize this collection in its entirety and to solve some of the mysteries contained within it. Becky has been kind enough to identify a few of the more common themes in this collection for us, which have been organized into a series of mini-collections. Explore the mini-collections below, and then dive in to view the entire collection.
If you have questions about specific images, please contact the History Department at Benjamin L. Hooks Central Library. The department can be reached at (901) 415-2742 or hisref@memphistn.gov.