Start-Up Information for Nonprofits

Candid Learning offers resources on nonprofit start-up. Their Starting a Nonprofit section in Knowledge Base is a wealth of resources for each step along the way.

A Guide to Starting a Nonprofit in Tennessee is a 28-page online publication created by United Way’s Center for Nonprofits and the Community Foundation of Greater Chattanooga.  It gives an overview of the nonprofit sector, designed to help you decide if starting a new nonprofit is the most effective way to do your good work.  The publication lists the steps to starting a nonprofit in Tennessee and provides links to legal information and state-specific requirements.

How to Start a Nonprofit The National Council of Nonprofits put together this step-by-step guide that includes links to in-depth information and suggestions for additional assistance.

Help with Incorporation & 501(c)3 Candid has compiled a list of resources that will help you fill out your start-up forms.

Starting a Foundation, by the Council on Foundations, includes links to basic information such as a glossary of terms and a list frequently asked questions.

See Also:
Nonprofit Resource Center

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Start Up Information for Nonprofits page last reviewed 10/29/2024.