Whitehaven Library Adventure
The Adventurer Episode for Whitehaven
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Did You Know?
With 700 books and just over $1,000, the Whitehaven branch opened in 1953 at the Whitehaven Methodist Church. By 1958, the library was a branch of the county system and moved into its own building located on Barton Street. Click below to see a photograph of the original Whitehaven Library.
Did You Know?
In 1978, to celebrate the library’s 20th anniversary, the Friends of the Library commissioned a 5 x 30 ft. mural created by Lee Best. The “fantasy trip” mural adorned the wall in the children’s reading area, inspiring imaginary thinking for years to come. Click below to see photographs from the archive.
Did You Know?
In 2023, over 27,700 people visited the Whitehaven Library, using the public computers over 20,800 times and checking out over 12,000 items. The Whitehaven Library also held 227 programs attended by 4,776 people.