The School Connection


Apply online to receive a Library Card Number that you can use immediately to access our eCollection and public computers. This card number is good for 2 years.  Visit any Memphis Public Library with your documentation requirements to check out physical items. (Customers age 13 and up are invited to apply online.)

Educator Card: If you are a teacher, day care worker, or home-school teacher, you are eligible for an Educator Library Card. It allows you to check out 50 physical items instead of 25! You can also place multiple holds on the same title on our catalog.

Don’t have a library card yet? Visit our Start Here page for more details on obtaining a Library Card.

Tours of the Library

Memphis Public Libraries encourage visits by local school and classroom groups to Benjamin L. Hooks Central Library and all other city library branches. Children who are familiar with their local libraries are more likely to become regular library users. Submitting your request at least two weeks prior to your planned visit will ensure that we will be able to provide your students with a great learning experience.

outreach services

Is your school having a family/parent night or other community activity? Let us know and we can bring special activities and library card sign-up. Visit our Outreach page HERE for more details.

parent/teacher collections

The Parent/Teacher Collections are located in the Children’s Department at Central Library and at all of the library branches. These collections serve as resources for parents, teachers, day care center staff, librarians, and others who work with children. Each branch library has a Parent/Teacher collection containing items of interest to the community the agency serves. The most comprehensive collection is located in the Children’s Department at Central Library. 

The Parent/Teacher Collections feature: 

  • Reading/ Literacy resources for educators and parents 
  • Bibliographies of children’s literature 
  • Home schooling manuals and curriculum guides 
  • Curriculum guides for early childhood, elementary, and secondary education 
  • Storytime resources 
  • Arts and crafts projects for adults working with children 
  • Classroom issues resources 
  • Resources for educating gifted students; students with ADD/ADHD, and learning disabilities 

linkedin learning

Linkedin Learning is a premier online learning resource offering courses covering technical skills, creative techniques, business strategies, personal finance, and more.

Search for K-12 Education to access a number of courses.

Educator’s Reference

(Gale Onefile)

Gale OneFile: Educator’s Reference Complete is a great resource for a variety of educators—from teachers and administrators to those studying in the field at the collegiate and graduate level. It seeks to provide full text for titles in the ERIC database and covers multiple levels of education and every educational specialty, such as technology, bilingual education, health education, and testing, and provides insight on issues in administration, funding, and policy.

Resources for students

We provide ample online resources to assist with student learning as well as self-guided exploration. Check out eBooks and eAudiobooks, access age appropriate research tools to access magazine/journal articles, browse a number of reference resources. Many of these resources provide links for teachers to build lesson plans and activities.


Visit or call the Library or submit a question online.