A. Schwab Digital Scavenger Hunt




Ready to dig into the secrets found in the basement of A. Schwab Dry Goods Store? Join us on a digital scavenger hunt through the newly unveiled A. Schwab Collection on DIG Memphis. Find all 10 items and complete the final assignment to claim your prize!* The hunt ends June 10th!

*Details below.

NOTE: If you you've already submitted your 10 Items and only need to upload your photograph for the final assignment, click the button below.


Each of the questions below lead you to a single item within the A. Schwab Digital Collection.

  • Use the 'Browse Collection' button below to begin your search.
  • When you find the correct object in the collection, click the title of the item to be taken to the Item Description page.
  • Review the metadata found under the Item/Object Description section. Copy the unique Digital Identifier and enter it into the corresponding answer field below.
  • Once you've found all 10 Digital Identifiers, you'll need to complete the final assignment by visiting the A. Schwab General Store at 163 Beale Street. Please enter your name and contact information below, along with your prize preference. If you've successfully located all ten items and completed the final assignment, you'll receive an email with instructions on how to claim your prize! Good luck on your hunt!

Below is an example of where to locate the Digital Identifier.