Explore Memphis
June 1 – July 31
About Explore Memphis
When children and teens don’t read during the summer, they lose important knowledge and skills gained during the school year. This is called the summer slide. The slide isn’t something easily made up, either; children don’t catch up the following school year, because other children are moving ahead with their skills. At MPL, we’re determined to help families prevent this slide by offering opportunities to read and learn throughout the summer.
Did you know?
- Reading over the summer helps to prevent the summer slide.
- Combining reading, learning, and exploration improves student interest and academic growth.
- Reading improves your overall health–it increases mental stimulation and relaxation, among other health benefits.
- Reading and learning together helps families bond and grow.
Our Mission: To motivate participants to read and learn during the summer through engaging programs, creative partnerships, and free resources.
Our Vision: A more literate Memphis.