Financial Education

Personal Finance Center

Financial Education

For Kids:

Jump$tart Clearinghouse
The Jump$tart Coalition for Financial Literacy maintains this online library of financial literacy resources for educators, parents, and students.
This site, endorsed by the American Library Association as a Great Web Site for Kids, “provides tools to help parents as well as educators teach children to manage money wisely and develop good financial habits.”

Thinking Money for Kids
The American Library Association (ALA), in partnership with the FINRA Investor Education Foundation, has released this collection of free online games to teach children basic financial skills related to earning, saving and spending money. The four interactive games are designed for children ages 7 to 11 but are appropriate for other ages as well.

U.S. Mint
The United States Mint website has activities and lesson plans for educators to use to teach financial literacy to youth K-12.

For Students:

Tennessee Student Assistance Corporation
Tennessee state resources for higher education such as TN Reconnect, TN HOPE, and TN Promise.
Designed for students, teachers and parents, this website provides lesson plans and interactive activities for topics such as making change, check writing, creating a budget, and investing. 

Council for Economic Education
The Council for Economic Education provides resources for K-12 teachers and students.

For Adults:

Consumer Action Publications on
The Managing Money Project website provides detailed publications on a number of personal finance topics. Many are available in several languages. Also available are the Consumer Action’s MoneyWi$e educational modules. Examples include: Saving to Build Wealth, Building and Keeping Good Credit, and You Can Bank On It: Banking Basics.

Free Advice – Legal Advice Site for Consumers is intended to offer the most useful, comprehensive, balanced legal information for the public. The topic of financial law, which covers savings, investments and more, is covered here. 

National Endowment for Financial Education
This listing of initiatives includes resources on money management, saving, and spending.

Women’s Institute for Financial Education
“The Women’s Institute for Financial Education ( is the oldest non-profit organization dedicated to providing financial education to women in their quest for financial independence.”

For Seniors:

TN Commission on Aging and Disability – Elder Fraud
The TN Commission on Aging and Disability provides tips to protect yourself or your loved ones from elder fraud. 

Money Smart:

Money Smart
The FDIC Money Smart Financial Education program is intended to help people of all ages improve their financial literacy. A series of interactive games is included.

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Last update 9/22/2022