Personal Finance Center
Calculators and Financial Tools
BigCharts is the world’s most comprehensive and easy-to-use investment research website, providing access to professional-level research tools such as interactive charts, stock and fund quotes, industry analysis and intraday stock screeners, as well as market news and commentary. Great source for historical stock quotes. Free Financial Planning Tools
Financial tools and calculators on can help evaluate your finances. Available is an IRA RMD calculator, one for compound interest, and one for estimating social security retirement. There are also worksheets to help determine your assets and liabilities, and to help track and calculate your monthly expenditures.
Savings Resources from American Savings Education Council
The ASEC, which seeks to “make saving and retirement planning a priority for all Americans,” provides links to partner resources through this site.
MortgageLoan Calculators
MortgageLoan offers over 100 calculators that assist customers in a variety of areas: mortgages, home equity loans, auto loans, CDs and investments, debt and credit, tax, retirement, and more.
My Home by Freddie Mac®
This site offers a wealth of information on renting/buying a home, home ownership, and foreclosure. Especially helpful are the calculators for buying vs. renting, estimating affordability, and selecting the best loan option.
Last review 11/21/2022