Personal Finance Center

Personal Finance Center

Located in the Business/Science Department of the Central Library, the Personal Finance Center is funded through a bequest from Dan W. Davis.

Dan W. Davis, a frugal Memphis businessman, frequented the Memphis Public Library for many years, visiting the Cossitt Branch, the old Main Library on Peabody and then the new Benjamin L. Hooks Central Library. Using library resources, he researched companies and followed their financial progress, then made financial decisions which resulted in significant returns on his investments.

Davis was very unassuming and lived modestly-despite the fact that he amassed significant financial holdings. Given Dan Davis’ love of the financial resources in the library, the Foundation for the Library chose to use his gift to underwrite a Personal Finance Center for all those who want to better their financial outlook. Now, library customers will be able to use the Center to better manage their money and perhaps, like Davis, build their net worth.

If you are wondering what Personal Finance is all about, try starting with the links on Personal Finance 101 for some general and basic information to get you started. For more detailed information, choose a specific topic from the list in the left hand column.

Upcoming Events

The Start Here 52-Week Savings ChallengeSign up to join the challenge for 2024.

Take Back Your Life: Credit & Money Management Workshops (Presented by Operation Hope)
Tuesdays at 5:00 PM:

October 8, 2024 (Training Room L-56)

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